Saturday, August 31, 2013

Still waiting for editing

Here I am, still don't have my book edited. An Unexpected Love

But here's the good thing. This last editor is amazing and pointed out some things I should change and some I should add. Mostly add. She said, 
"I want to know how you're feeling when he looks at you like that." 
"I want to resonate with Maggie. I want to be Maggie."

She also showed me how to show emotion in the other characters. And how to show and not tell. It's so much easier to tell. :)

I must say that I'm very happy with these changes and very glad I didn't publish it before. The characters are alive now.

We're on the last chapter and then have to do a review. I'm super excited to get it up on Kindle and to get a few copies from CreateSpace.

I've also had an optin box graphic created on Fiverr.

This is the first one the designer made.

I asked if he could give me a copy without the curlies. 

I like them both, but I can see using both. Now, I just have to find out how to upload them to my autoresponder account. Hopefully that will add the little boxes for name and email.

I have the website under way. Check it out at

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Well, I got some feedback on my website and I've worked on that. Got some feedback on my book, and worked on that. Right now, it's out for the last two reviews, I hope. I need to stop asking for feedback and just publish it...or not.

In the meantime:
I've started a review site, using Tiffany Dow's Guide To Cashing In On Shiny New Object SyndromeGuide TO Cashing In On Shiny New Object Syndrome .
My site is called Tripel R Reviews (RhondasRealReviews.) It's not published yet. I had a logo created on Fiverr and I like it. He gave me some choices actually. The two bottom ones are transparent, but they show up here with a black background. I think I like the middle one the best.

This site is interesting. I've often been disappointed in reviews that don't tell you anything except what the sales page tells you. It's nothing more than an affiliate sales page, posing as a review. I'm doing as Tiffany suggested and reviewing her book as my first review. And then I may do Easy Paycheck Formula.

I've also been working on my author page for my book It's not finished yet, either.

I try not to sit around and waste time. :) I don't do real well at it, but I try. I've been doing some proofreading/editing for the job I found on Craigslist.

All in all, I've been having fun.

'Til later
Rhonda Woodworth-Tardif

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I'm A Little Slow

Oh, I'm a procrastinator! I have so many things on the go that I get distracted. Especially when I run into a snag. 

So here's what I've been doing:

I've been trying to get a site to promote my book An Unexpected Love. I guess I don't really need a site. Perhaps I'm just too emotional about this project. I had some ideas in mind and now I'm questioning them. 

One thing I would like to do is make the songs available to listen to. One of the songs in the story is sung by my sister, Violet Paisley, who has released several CDs. She will be recording the song, and I'd like to put it on the site.

I also think that many of my friends would like to leave comments, which would be interesting to someone else who doesn't know the characters. I expect to get most of my traffic through Amazon. The site is purely for personal reasons.

While I've been waiting for feedback on my site creation, I've been busy doing other things. I've been updating my Squidoo pages and creating a new one reviewing the Kindle Fire. And I've been doing some studying about publishing on Kindle and CreateSpace. That can take a lot of time.

Oh, and I've been editing a book for someone else. It's very interesting, and VERY  time consuming. But it puts money in my PayPal account.

I must get off to work.

"Til later
Rhonda Woodworth-Tardif

P.S. These are my Squidoo lenses.

I'm not finished with the Kindle Fire one yet.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

 Why I Love To Read And Write

I've enjoyed reading and writing since...well, forever. 

Reading is a very inexpensive way to take a nice vacation, meet new people, and make new friends. It drives me mad, though, when I can't find a book without spelling and/or grammar errors. I've even got so upset I've circled the errors, thinking perhaps I'd send a note to the author so he/she could make corrections for the next edition. I never got around to it, and maybe they don't care.

Writing can save one lots of money otherwise spent on therapists, getting all that stuff out on paper. Sometimes it just looks so different once the ink hits the page. I've found writing to be very therapeutic. Any anyone who knows me knows that I could use some therapy. But that's not a story for today. I don't have time. It's already past midnight. :)

I've been doing some studying online, I'm too old to go out and get a real job. They told me in the beginning to do what I'm good at, but I didn't believe them. There must be an easier way to make money than by talking about all the tornadoes in my life, or writing about them. But in the end, I decided that's just what I'd do. So I'm working on a site about dealing with life's curveballs, the ones I have experience with. Those would be grief, having lost two husbands and my mother, bipolar, one husband was bipolar, and paralysis, my son had an accident and is paralyzed. There, I went and told you. I didn't mean to but it just came out. But there's no details today. They'll have to wait.

What I was going to say is that I took a detour on the way to the curveballs site and decided to tell about a very happy time in my life. I'm telling it in a round about way. This is how it came about. 

My second husband passed away almost two years ago. The grief thing can be pretty tough and I was taking it in small doses. I was sitting musing one day about my life. My first husband, I'd always said, was the love of my life. If he wouldn't have been fooling around in unfamiliar water and drowned, there wouldn't have been any second husband. So that's fair enough. That doesn't mean I didn't love my second husband. I did. But I'm all about the truth, too.

So this day I was daydreaming and wondered what my life would have been like if I'd met George Woodworth at this point in my life. What if I'd been married twice and both husbands died, and then he came along. I didn't like the thought that he would have been married to someone else during those years, but you can't have your cake and eat it, too, so they say. So I got busy with this dream, and the story wasn't long taking shape.

So that's my book that's coming out on Kindle soon. It's called An Unexpected Love.

So I've started filling out my profile on Linkedin and working on a Facebook page for my book. Through Linkedin, I found some other writers and I joined a group of them. It's an interesting place to hang out. I didn't have time to check them all out but you might like  The Ink Spot. Debbie Alferio is an award-winning author and I like the way she tells stuff. Like how writers have to be careful that the characters don't change names or eye colors in the story.

And then there's Mary Seyegh at Author's Muse
She has also created a group on Facebook
Quite a few authors have joined the group. There's lots of information there if you're interested in writing and

That's it for tonight.
'Til Later